Hot girl to male friend: If I have free time, I'm going to spend it with my daughter or my friends, who I already know, already trust and already made out with.
–7th St & 2nd Ave
Girl: I got Sweeney Todd! I feel like making out with some guy right now! I don't even care who he is!
–41st & 7th
Overheard by: Jon Clarke
Teen girl to another in nail salon: He knows me so well… He stayed at my house all week. We almost hooked up!
–E 79th St
Overheard by: Carrie
Freshman girl, trying to impress older, more cultured girl: I'm very multicultural when it comes to hooking up with people. I mean, I like to try different things, and everyone has something different to offer.
–Brooklyn College
Guy, as his face hovers an inch away from girl's: There's something about the arts–makes me wanna make out.
Overheard by: Rachel