Full-Spectrum Wednesday One-Liners

Woman, apparently retelling story: Beige, mom? Beige! Beige isn't even a color!

–Hope & Anchor, Brooklyn

20-something, about Statue of Liberty: Babe, did you know it wasn't always green? It was bronze. I wish one day they would restore it to bronze, but they won't.

–Hudson, during Evening Sail

Chick to another: He didn't know if I like red or white. I mean, to not know the grape I like is okay, but he didn't know if I like red or white! Stuff like that makes me sad.

–23rd & 6th

Overheard by: The_SuperVixen

Girl to another: I only slam myself with purple dildos because purple is a power color.

–Bait and Tackle, Redhook

Overheard by: paul occhialini