
Teen girl holding shoe: Can I get this in a…
Ghetto shoe salesman: Dayummm girl, that's an ugly shoe!
Teen girl: Em… Aren't you supposed to be selling this to me?
Ghetto shoe salesman: Yeah, but see, y'alls not a ugly person, I can't let y'all buy an ugly shoe.
Teen girl: Thank you?

Los Angeles, California

Little boy, wearing high heels: I'm bigger! I'm bigger!

Southern California

Hot burner chick: Our bar was busy until the fat naked guy showed up and scared everyone off!
Fat naked guy: I'm wearing Uggs!

Burning Man

Overheard by: Eavesdropper

Girl #1: Hey, what’s your shoe size?
Girl #2: Six.
Girl #1: I’ve got a pair of shoes that would fit you, if you want them. They smell vaguely of bacon.

British Columbia

Blonde girl #1: I really want those silver shoes from Moochi Lane. You know, those pointy ones? Even though they look a little weird.
Blonde girl #2: They look like crazy tuxedo man shoes. You know? Like those shoes that Mr Peanut wears…crazy tuxedo man shoes.
Blonde girl #1: Oh my god, they totally do!

New Zealand

Overheard by: Felicity

Middle-aged African American bus driver: So what if she is? I wear heels and I'm 5′8″. I wear them to church.
Prim-looking Caucasian female passenger: Oh, but at least at church you're sitting down.
Middle-aged African American bus driver: Oh no, honey. I'm up singing and dancing. I go to a black church. We get our praise on.
Prim-looking Caucasian female passenger (after uncomfortable pause): That sounds fun.

Overheard by: yes it does

Skinny girl, in an accusing tone of voice: Why are you wearing elf-shoes?!
Chubby friend, sounding frightened: They're not elf shoes! They're German!
Skinny girl, squinting: Hmmmm…


Woman with three young daughters: Okay girls, we're spies… On the search for sparkly heels. Look everywhere!

Newbury Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Girl #1: So what's up with those boots you bought this weekend? You don't look like the type to wear them.
Girl #2: Uh, Tim* wanted me to buy them.
Girl #1: Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about his boot fetish.
Girl #2: And I'm pretty sure he wants me to wear them. And nothing else.
Girl #1, sighing wistfully: I wish I had a hot relationship like that! All I have is slut sex!

Saint Peter's College
New Jersey

Restaurant waitress, ranting: If my family weren't here I would take my shoe off and stab you in the eye with it.

Saugus, Massachusetts