Guy on cell: So she doesn't have a urinary tract infection? Fantastic.
–JFK Airport
Woman to elderly man she's been following: Why did you cough at me when you walked by? Why? Why? Why you do that to me? Why did you cough at me when you walked by? Tell me why? Why?! I should have You Tubed it! Smh!
Overheard by: Maria
Guy in line on cell: Yeah, I'm comin back from the doctor's office, I may have to get surgery, they are still trying to figure out if I have cancer in my nuts.
–Deli near Park & 28th
Tranny on cell: Yeah, my hormones make my stomach hurt.
–Woodside, Queens
Coffee cart guy, arguing with female customer: You can't do four sugars! Four sugars is diabetes!
–Union Square
Overheard by: No sugar