Plump gay guy #1, walking with overloaded bags of groceries, sweating: Hey, there's a space right there!
Plump gay guy #2, walking beside him with equally overloaded bags of groceries, sweating: Where?
Plump gay guy #1: Right there! (tries to lift bag of groceries to point across street at the same time)
Plump gay guy #2: (starts running across street towards empty parking space)
Plump gay guy #1, yelling: What the hell are you doing, dumbshit?!
Pump gay guy #2, defensively: I'm going to reserve the spot!
Plump gay guy #1, loudly: No!! Go get the car!!
(plump gay guy #2 changes direction and starts running up the street with overloaded bags of groceries, breathing heavily)
Plump gay guy #1: I swear, you're dumber than a box of rocks!
–Upper West Side