Chili's Wednesday One-Linerback Ribs

Loud black lady on cell: How bout that time I drive by your house, call you up and ask where you at? You say you in a cab, I see you sitting there with your baby's mama, what up with that!

–Penn Station

Overheard by: Julie Paulie

Comedy show flyer guy: No I am not Puerto Rican! I am not wearing a flag or a baby!

–Times Square

Overheard by: Amused Passer-by

Drunk white chick: But I don't want my eggs to be babies. I want ten I be experimented on!

–Midtown Bar

Black woman to another: Cause you know: there's always that one black baby in like every ten black babies that just looks like an alien, like 'what happened to you?'

–25th & 7th

Overheard by: Andrea