Everybody's Racist, but White People Do More Damage With It

Black girl #1: Yo, so I'm liking Joe*, but I don't even know what to do with him.
Black girl #2: You said he's all cute 'n shit, so what's up? Did he stop by your place?
Black girl #1: Naw, see that's the problem. He's a white dude and my mom would shit.
Black girl #2: For real?
Black girl #1: Yo, I'll go out with him and suck his dick and all that, but when it comes to my mom…
Black girl #2: Seriously. You gotta be careful.
Black girl #1: Yeah…
Black girl #2: You start hanging out with white people too much and you start gettin' weird.
Black girl #1: Yeah…
Black girl #2: Like Michael Jackson and shit.
Black girl #1: Yeah…

–Bedford & Carol

Overheard by: tchassis