That's Me in the Corner, That's Me in the Spotlight Losing My Wednesday One-Liner

Woman on cell: Yeah, well, I asked you where that came from and you told me, 'Jesus wrote it.'

–Pete's Cafe, E. Fordham Rd & Hoffman St

Girl on phone: I will never. Ever. Go to temple. With your mother. Again!

–89th & 3rd

Hipster girl on cell: So she just read the bible all day? Seriously? So weird!

–Cornelia St

Overheard by: d

Subway preacher: Jesus will live here for one thousand years, and everyone is invited! All the Jews! Jesus says, 'you want some cereal? Here is a bowl!' but, my brothers and sisters, you are putting your spoons in your ears!

–Downtown 1 Train

Overheard by: judydarkness