amNewYork distributor: Breaking news! If the police smell marijuana coming from your house they can break down the door and arrest you! On the front cover! If the police smell marijuana, they come bust down your door and arrest you! (hands out papers like hot cakes)
–34th St
Mother with two young girls: I'd have to be stoned to go on that ride.
–Carnival, Williamsburg
Overheard by: DRC
Man standing in the open doorway of a stopped train, singing to "I gotta feeling": I gota feeling! That tonight's gonna need some good pot! That tonight's gonna need some good good pot!
–L Train
Overheard by: fashion it so
Guy on cell: This relationship is not working out for me anymore. You are unreliable, untrustworthy, you're always late, you take all my money, and you're just an asshole. It's time for me to find a new dealer. Buying pot from you is starting to be unpleasant and buying pot should never be unpleasant.
–Astor Place