Tall female law school know-it-all: You'll do fine on his exam as long as you memorize the notes he gives in class –I mean, like, word for word– and then just reverberate it all!
–Uptown 1 Train
Overheard by: Suze Volchok
Irate conductor to chatty foursome: Next trip you should not ride in the quiet car; I explained to you before that there's no conversating.
–Amtrak Train
Overheard by: Rose Fox
Woman to friend: My laugh is going straight to my abdominable area, it's hilarious!
–16th & 8th, Chelsea
Overheard by: Katherine Wallace
Girl in mid teens looking at sign that reads "Chilean flamingos": Mami, they're Chilalean fingos!
–Bronx Zoo
Overheard by: Kaitlen
Woman on cell: Oh, was he spayded? Did he get spayded? (pause) He was a she?
–42nd & Woodland
Overheard by: Jo USP
Girl on phone: Listen, it's just a pigment of your imagination… of course he's a man.
–110th & Amsterdam
Overheard by: Oona