Woman: Cake is obsolete.
–E 84th & 3rd
Overheard by: julia
Student giving Powerpoint presentation: Okay, so, um, this is a statue of the Prophet Haggai, and you can see in his hand he’s holding a scroll… Or maybe it’s a Cinnabon, I don’t know.
–Fordham University, Rose Hill
Lady on cell: It looked like a marshmallow with stick legs!
–Outside Brittany Hall
Girl on cell: We can get a cake and just… fill it with vodka.
–Lafayette Residence Hall, NYU
Overheard by: Emily
Man to woman: … Adult ice cream.
–23rd & 7th
Overheard by: maureen
Woman with hair bun: I’m not sure whether that makes me think of cake decorating or a veiny penis…
–Barcade, Brooklyn
Overheard by: Ladle