Wednesday One-Liners Vary

Stumbling drunk: Viva Mexico! Fuck all the niggers! I hate niggers! Viva Mexico!

–Union Square

Woman: …and did you hear him say that he brainwashed my husband when he was in Iraq?

–27th Street elevator

Old junkie: You red-headed nigga! I saw you on 2nd street! You had an office…in somone’s funky ass! And you’re from Europe!

–F train

Overheard by: Ali

Guy: I asked her, “Do you have any retail experience?” and she answered, “No, but I used to sell my body.”

–Stonehome Wine Bar, Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn

Overheard by: Anna

Woman: I was two fisting, unfortunately.

–APT, W. 13th Street

Guy: I think he drank like a gallon of olive oil and some minerals, and he was shitting stones.

–27th Street office

Queer on cell: Yah, well, Terri Schiavo died this week, and so did the Pope. So it’s been a pretty good week.

–Chumley’s, Bedford Street

Overheard by: Initials

Girl on cell: Fuckety fuck fuck, I forgot to put on a tampon this morning. Shit, shit, shit! I’m screwed, Lizette, I’m screwed.


Girl on cell: Don’t walk in the blood! Don’t walk in the blood! Oh ah aah!…Thanks lady, thanks for walking in the blood.

–Essex & Rivington

Overheard by: Nicole A.

Construction guy: That Barney Rubble, he’s some actor.

–South Street Seaport bar

Overheard by: Keith McCarthy

Guy: She’s a spoiled rotten brat. She’s rich as shit and gets everything she wants. It fucking pisses me off. I can’t stand her…the only reason I know all this is ’cause I hang out with her like 24 hours a day.

–1 train

Hobo: Hillary Clinton and Pee-Wee Herman are Democrats! I am a Republican!

–12th St. & 7th Ave.

Overheard by: Caroline N

Lady: They’ve got psychiatrists for dogs. They’ve even got their own cemeteries. They’ve got more things than kids!

–Eckerd’s, Bensonhurst

Younger brother: I wish I could jump over buildings like Spider-man.
Older sister: Little buildings or really tall buildings?
Younger brother: Tall buildings.
Older sister: I bet you could. Why don’t you try it sometime?

–M14 bus

Scottish chick on cell: He’s sort of like the John Tesh of tonsils, isn’t he?

–60th & 1st

Overheard by: zunshyn

Guy: I think I know enough about compound plastic to perform basic dentistry.

–1/9 train

Overheard by: Kathryn Galloway

Tech kid: I can, like, smell which microphone you’re using.

–NYU Education building, Washington Square east

Old man: I don’t even like taking the subway anymore because the tiling is so disgusting.

–28th Street station

Overheard by: Nico Westerdale

Guy: Every time I see him, I want to wash myself.

–South Street seaport

Queer on cell: Whores! You are W-H-O-R-E dash I-B-L-E. That’s what you are. You’re whore-ible.

–50th between 8th & 9th

Receptionist: It takes two shots to bring down a bengal tiger! Two!

–20th Street office

Overheard by: Animal

Chick on cell: Oh, so honey, they aren’t actually tents for dogs; they’re just tiny display tents for the large ones.

–North Face, 73rd & Broadway

Woman: She feeds chickens to other chickens. It’s gross. It’s like, if there was a husband and wife, she would chop up the husband and feed him to the wife.

–1/9 train

Woman #1: Excuse me, does the N train stop at Central Park?
Woman #2: Lady, go ask a fucking crystal ball, or learn how to read a damn subway map.

–Union Square station

Overheard by: Craig D

A truck driver is parked on the side of the road, honking at what appears to be nothing at all. A female pedestrian shoots him a dirty look.

Truck driver: Nobody’s honking at you, you dumb bitch!

–Bay Ridge

Tourist: Which way is the Empire State Building?
Newspaper vendor: What do I look like, a fuckin’ road map?

–outside Grand Central

Overheard by: Dork

A trendy guy walked out into oncoming traffic, forcing an SUV to slam on the brakes. The driver screamed out of his open window: The hell you think you are, my hood ornament?

–40th & 7th

Teen girl: Yo, I heard he fucked a fat girl in Remi and she was so big he couldn’t get his arms around her!

–Astoria Dunkin’ Donuts

Overheard by: Jack

UES chick on cell: …so then he takes me to this party, where there’s all these topless chicks and crap, and I’m like, “Come on! Haven’t I stroked your ego enough?”.

–88th and Park

Overheard by: ikanread

Girl: No, I will not have anal sex with your boyfriend!

–Union Square station