Wednesday One-Liners Vary

Black guy: Man, niggas got guns. You don’t know what they gonna do.

–Astor Place

Overheard by: couldn’t stop laughing

Hungry guy: Tell him I’m gonna kick his ass! Tell him I’m gonna fuck him up, and tell him to bring food.


Overheard by: Autumn

Mother of the Year: My momma said, “All you gotta do is beat the hell out the biggest one of them, and the rest will fall in line.” And she was right, too.

–23rd & 11th

Woman on cell: She went and married that man who her first husband shot her for goin’ out with.

–Foley Square

Enthusiastic guy: Yeah! Come down to Ditmars and get your ass whipped! Just come on down to Ditmars and get your ass whipped. Yeah! We’ll whip your ass. So just come down to Ditmars. You’ll get your ass whipped.

–N train, Queensboro Plaza

Overheard by: Richard Berman

Amateur chiropractor: She told the cops I hit her with a golf club. I didn’t hit that bitch with no golf club. If I hit that bitch with a golf club, her neck would be broken.

–Behind Pathmark, 125th St

Overheard by: wadotron

Happy hobo: Oh man! Oh man! [Hugs friend repeatedly] Now I’m gonna kick your ass!

–G train

Overheard by: greenpoint blank

Prim lady: Even whips and chains can’t keep boy problems from being typical.

–Columbia University

Overheard by: Ladle

College student to friends: One time I just want to be caught in a sexually compromising situation with nothing but my bubble wand blower.

–27th & 7th

Overheard by: LFB

Queer on cell: When you handcuffed me, ohhh yes… No, I don’t think there’s a railing I could use right now. No… I’m not taking them out of my bag! Ugh, fiiine… Be there in five minutes… You’re baaad! [Runs off giggling.]

–Penn Station

Little girl, to mother: Get off the train! I want to get off! Move away! Move away! Bad girl!

–1 train

Overheard by: EthanK

Chick on cell: Your hook-up buddies would be the type to stow you in a closet.


Overheard by: Wild Dog Boy

Nerdy chick: Cognitive dissonance is not my kink.

–Kinoko Sushi, W 72nd & Broadway

Overheard by: Rose Fox

Yuppie woman: Her mother was recently diagnosed with clinical narcissism. One of the indicators was the time she went to a funeral and got angry that no one noticed her new dress.

–Downtown 6 train

Woman: I have this running joke with my kids. Whenever there’s a spider or a big bug, they’re like, "Kill it! Kill it!", and I’m like "I can’t kill it! It might be your grandmother!" You know, like reincarnation?

–Office tower ladies room, Lex & 44th St

Guy on cell: Who are you to tell me who is of legal age for me? You’re not my mother! How can you tell me who is legal enough for me and who isn’t?

–Union Square

Little Boy: Mommeeee! Ah… I mean, Daddeee!

— 67th Ave & Yellowstone Blvd, Queens

Woman on cell: Mom, a building just got knocked over by a plane and you want to talk about my gambling?

–71st St & 2nd Ave

Overheard by: mike

Girl: I have no siblings! I can’t be a fuck up because I have no siblings!

–Washington Square Park

Overheard by: meghan

Goth girl wannabe: I fantasize about incest, but not with anyone I’m related to.

–East Village

Mom to seven-year-old crossing street: Be careful, dear. You don’t want to get run over or we can’t have sushi.

–78th & Amsterdam

Cute girl halting before crossing into oncoming traffic: Okay, perhaps we should not die today.

–42nd & 8th

Overheard by: Traffic

Father to son running towards intersection: Remember! A foot in the street means a foot in your ass!

–57th & 4th, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Chick zig-zagging across street: I just cannot get down with manholes! Scary, scary manholes. I try to avoid them at all costs.

–83rd & Broadway

Bored cop on megaphone: Please walk on the sidewalk. Stop walking in the middle of the street… Stop walking in the middle of the street. Use the sidewalks… See how you’re on the black pavement? You want to be on concrete. See the cars trying to run you over? That’s ‘vehicular traffic.’ Get out of its way.

–Next to Radio City Music Hall

Boyfriend following jaywalking girlfriend: That’s illegal. [She ignores him.] That’s illegal!

–6th & 4th, Park Slope

Muscle man to another: You have to hug me more!

–18th & 6th

Overheard by: Joe Fenton

Hobo: I won’t hug you if you give me money.

–6 train

Overheard by: Gabrielle

Little tourist girl, arms outstretched: Mommy, I just want to hug New York!

–49th, between 6th & 7th

Overheard by: Scarfish

Lesbo on cell: I just hugged a man. I don’t even know him!

–Christopher St

Overheard by: Jericho n’ drop

Panhandler: If you don’t have money and you’re fairly attractive, give me a hug and we’ll call it even.

–F train

Conductor, leaning out window to couple making out: Get a room!

–Canal St station

Overheard by: simon

Eerily calm guy: You fucked me. You fucked me in Midtown.

–48th & 5th

Overheard by: Nick Draven

Hot dog vendor, about girl moaning on cell: They’re having sex on the corner, people! Don’t look!

–Main St & 38th Ave, Queens

Drunk girl to kissing friends: You know, we can, like, find a place for you to make out.

–Prince St

Sorostitute: I had sex right there.

–64th & 5th

Young boy to another, whispering: I’m gonna knock you off ,and then I’m gonna steal your M&Ms.

–FAO Schwartz

Overheard by: amused tourist

Cabbie: Something wicked just crossed my mind. One dark night I’m going to come here and steal all the stop signs.

–Roosevelt Island

Overheard by: Suriya

Angry queer suit as a Honda’s car alarm goes off: What the fuck?! What the fuck?! Nobody would ever try to steal that piece of shit!

–72nd & Broadway

Overheard by: C. Gray

Thug: Look, these glasses are f’real! I bought them off a nigga who had just stolen them from the jewelry store!

–125th & Broadway

Hipster chick on cell: Why don’t you just stay at a real hotel where you can steal all the soaps and stuff?

–2nd St, between Bowery & 2nd Ave

Overheard by: Jake

Little boy to little girl while nanny is distracted: I love outdoor shopping, because it’s easier to steal things!

–11th & University

Overheard by: Cooper Cheatham

Drunk girl: I remember the bouncing, I remember the moaning, I just can’t remember the name.

–Cooper 35, Astor Place

Overheard by: dan

Gay man: I went there to get spiritual, and I came back all ‘Boys, boys, boys.’

–5th Ave & 11th St

Chick on cell: This is one of those moments when polyamory would really come in handy, huh?


Overheard by: Wild Dog Boy

Girl talking to herself: I am not a ho — I took the lie detector test, and it told you I was not a ho so stop calling me that.

–1 train

Overheard by: will

Chick: She had, like, 20 brothers and sisters because her dad was Haitian and he just kept sleeping with people…

–Subway bar, 60th & Lex

Chick: This year I am going to try and not make out with both Samatha and her boyfriend.

–W 53rd between 9th and 10th Ave

Overheard by: Still Laughing

Woman: Cake is obsolete.

–E 84th & 3rd

Overheard by: julia

Student giving Powerpoint presentation: Okay, so, um, this is a statue of the Prophet Haggai, and you can see in his hand he’s holding a scroll… Or maybe it’s a Cinnabon, I don’t know.

–Fordham University, Rose Hill

Lady on cell: It looked like a marshmallow with stick legs!

–Outside Brittany Hall

Girl on cell: We can get a cake and just… fill it with vodka.

–Lafayette Residence Hall, NYU

Overheard by: Emily

Man to woman: … Adult ice cream.

–23rd & 7th

Overheard by: maureen

Woman with hair bun: I’m not sure whether that makes me think of cake decorating or a veiny penis…

–Barcade, Brooklyn

Overheard by: Ladle

Crackhead to French girls: This side of the station is for crackheads only. You are in violation of code 113, this area is reserved for crackheads only. So move now.

–110th St Train Station

Film man: Gimme five minutes and I’ll give you my left nut.

–Washington Square Park

Overheard by: S&J

Suit on cell: You hooked up with a 300-pound girl?

–14th & 3rd Ave

Mexican guy: You look like 50 Cent. But in Mexico, your name would be 50 Pesos.

–Caliente Cab Restaurant , 488 3rd Ave

Overheard by: Mon

Thug: My wife hit me up for fitty bucks, and then my girl hit me up for another fitty bucks, and now I’m all tapped out.

–7 Train

Overheard by: Juliet

Conductor: Come on people! You were born with two eyes. If you would just use them to see that there are three different doors to the train, you would know that you’re holding people up trying to go home! Use your eyes and head and go in another door that people aren’t trying to get out of…Use the head people…Use the head!

–1 Train

Overheard by: megan

Econ major: So is that quadrillion as in past trillion?

–Classroom, NYU