Old Black guy: The thing about Girls Gone Wild is that most of them are strippers. Girls don’t really go wild.
–D train
Overheard by: pixelvisions
Woman: One day they have Angelina sleeping with Tom Cruise, now they say she’s with Brad.
–Food Emporium, Broadway & 68th
Hipster chick: You know, they have all these sodas with added lime flavor, but why don’t they ever do Sprite with lime?
–14th & 7th
Overheard by: Melissa
Huge guy: So he comes up to me and gives me the $600 that he owes me. I took one look at the bills and thought this was the worst counterfeit job I’ve ever seen so I beat the shit out of him…Did you know they have a new $100 bill?
–35th & 8th
Overheard by: Paul Ferris
Woman: Sometimes I see underwear I don’t even understand.
–Victoria’s Secret, 82nd & Broadway
Overheard by: djlindee
Pre-school teacher lady: If they didn’t build the subway, we wouldn’t have Home Depot or Lowe’s.
–NY Transit Museum
Overheard by: Trix