Wednesday One-Liners Vary

Woman: She said she want to make more than 8 dollars. I said, “Honey, you ain’t makin’ no 20 dollars unless you sell drugs.”


Overheard by: Stephanie Emilienburg

Girl on cell: I think the truth is rotting into your brain, that’s why you’re getting migraines.


Overheard by: Rych

Black woman, looking at Nacho Libre poster: I don’t wanna see any foreign shit. Fuck that!

–AMC theatre, 34th & 8th

Overheard by: K Smith

Woman with white dog to woman with black dog: He’s only barking because he isn’t used to seeing that kind of dog.

–Central Park

Dude: Man, I wish I had a doorknob.

–34th & 8th

Hustler on cell: I just wish you wasn’t being all one-track-mind-your-own-business about this.


Hobo: Can anybody help a disabled Navy veteran get something to eat? If you help me buy a sandwich, you’ll get a 2007 Zagat for half price. [A suit gives him money but declines the Zagat.] Okay, but I really wish someone would buy the Zagat.

–4 train

Overheard by: Fagat

Guy on cell: You just wish you were my baby’s mama!

–Staten Island Ferry

Overheard by: Elizabeth

Hipster: … So he said, ‘I wish Jesus was alive now. I’d invite him to join and I’d force him to be my friend.’

–Q train crossing the East River

Overheard by: Beth Smith

Hobo: There’s a Republican in Greenwich Village! [Sirens sound nearby.] Better watch out!

–W 12th & 8th

Overheard by: nyamelia

Excited man on cell: It’s a White House colonic!

–17th & 6th

Seven-year-old girl with silent parents: Spitzer won! Spitzer won! Spitzer won!

–8th Ave, Park Slope

20-ish guy on cell: What do you mean, ‘Bush will get re-elected in ’08’? Didn’t you go to fuckin’ grade school and learn about the two term limit on the presidency? Okay, yeah, I’ll be over for dinner tonight… Love ya, Mom! Bye!

–W 41st & 7th

Hipster dude to another: That girl told me she was a Republican, and I fucked her in the ass all night long. That was the best ass sex I ever had.

–Clinton St & 3rd Pl, Carroll Gardens

Overheard by: Terry

Customer: I’d like a grande hazelnut latte and a new president.


Overheard by: Grady

Woman: She had sex with a dragon. She had sex with a dragon! I keep seeing her and wantin’ to ask, “Yo, how’s the dragon?”

–Ollie’s, 69th & Broadway

Overheard by: Nick Draven

Virgin-For-Life on cell: Did you vanquish the dragon?…Yo, I told you to vanquish the dragon! Dumb ass nigga. Damn.

–Gristedes, West Village

Overheard by: KoryD

Nanny to little boy: I think each country must have its own Tooth Fairy.

–5th & President, Park Slope

Overheard by: b

Hipster on cell: It’s cooler, and you’re a vampire. Ok, I get it.

–6th St & 1st Ave

Teen boy: I was laughing ’cause this girl had no legs…

–175th & Ft. Washington

Latina on cell: Who died? Anna? How!? Hahaha! Finally.

–Jefferson & Wyckoff, Ridgewood

Dude: And she’s mad at me, ’cause I, like, kept telling her she sucked last week.

–Hunter College High School

Overheard by: i would be too

Blonde lady: I mean, it was only fun to tease the homeless woman for so long.

–1 train

Overheard by: Ein Ladle

Suit on Blackberry: I don’t give a fuck about other countries. To be honest, I only really give a fuck about myself. Starving black kids, welfare moms… Fuckin’ A! What gives?

–12th & 4th

Overheard by: Galen

Chick: I really wish he’d lost his whole finger — that’s what he deserves.

–Whole Foods salad bar, Time Warner Center

Professor: Skeet is when a man pulls out of the vagina or anus and has an orgasm on the man or woman. It’s also come to refer to the ejaculate itself.

–NYU classroom

Woman on cell: Nice. I just realized I’ve been wandering around with doughnut glaze stuck to my cheek like dried cum.

–44th & 8th

Sex ed teacher: The penis can’t urinate and, um, spermate at the same time.

–Berkeley Carroll School, Park Slope

Overheard by: i believe it’s ejaculate

Man on cell: I hired you to be a fucking porn director, not to make some artsy documentary! I mean, she’s supposed to get that on her face!

–Times Square

Woman to her Grizzly Adams-like companion: But, honey, you don’t have any sperm!

–Penn Station

Overheard by: Marissa

Guy on cell: Yeah, I called the sperm bank and told them your test came back positive… Yeah, they said it was no big deal.

–114th & Amsterdam

Dude on cell: I just ordered some soup and am drinking tea, so we’re on the same page. Except about cum, it seems.

–Office, Midtown

Overheard by: Argopelter

Proselytizer: You’ve got to make sure you’re reading the King James Bible. God uses the other ones for conversion, but they’re ten percent less effective.

–Downtown 2 train

Overheard by: Susan Volchok

Mom: Look, this one’s from Jordan and Israel. That’s where Jesus is from!

–Mouse House, Bronx Zoo

Overheard by: LT$

Woman: I’m gonna give him a holy bath and all kinds of things.

–Columbus Bakery, 83rd & Columbus

Pamphlet lady: That’s why you’ve got no power! Where’s the mayor? He’s not Jesus! He’s not coming to save you!

–Penn Station

Soccer mom: …and then he asked if he could go to church with Grandma, and I said, “Well, I don’t think so, Ryan*. Daddy’s had to yell at you all night and spank you twice, and only good boys get to go to church.”

–Central Park

Overheard by: God would be proud

Hobo: The Holy Spirit will whup yo’ ass!

–Court St

Young passerby, to old man entering church: Good luck!

–48th & 8th

Overheard by: Russell Z

Hipster to her dog: You know, you really are the best pooper I know!

–Prince & MacDougal

Overheard by: Yann

Woman to dog: Why do you always have to pee on your paws? Oh, honey… Do not pee on your feet!

–12th St & 5th Ave

Overheard by: Thompson

Hispanic guy to his dog: What are you do–? Why don’t you listen to me? What the hell — didn’t I tell you that is bad?!

–98th & Lex

Overheard by: Laughing my ass off

Queer to his yappy dog: No, no, no! You’ve already peed on that. You’ve peed on everything!

–28th St & 8th Ave

Woman to dog in baby talk: Yes, other people’s poo makes me very happy, yes!

–48th St & 9th Ave

Overheard by: Duncan Pflaster

Father-of-the-year: My son. He came home with a swollen eye. I asked him why and he said another boy hit him. I asked him if he hit him back and he said, ‘No.’ I asked him why and he said, ‘Because that would hurt him.’ So I said, ‘He’s hurting you, isn’t he?’ So I told him to hit him back. That’s how the world is. Do you think when he starts going to school he’ll catch on?

–53rd & 6th

Hard hat meathead: Hey man, I haven’t seen you since that time you hit that guy in the face with a wrench!

–LIRR – Long Beach to Penn Station

Evander Childs graduate: Oh, you went to Spellman? I think I beat up a kid from Spellman.

–125th & Lenox

Angry man on cell: Tell her that if she walks in the wrong direction again, I am going to punch her in the fucking face!

–Penn Station

Overheard by: Marissa

Guy: Dude, I’ve totally had girls ask me to give them bloody noses before sex.

–5th St between 1st & 2nd

Overheard by: MMS

Girl: There were these spiders on her so the guy she was with gave her a good beating all over.

–1 train

Overheard by: arachnophile