Man: I charge you with this sacred drink, and with this straw: I call this straw Excalibur, straw of destiny.
–Sony Lincoln Square, 68th Street
Overheard by: timothy wolfe
Bald man: See, the Joker was the first real villain Batman had to face…
–Le Pescadou, King Street
Overheard by: emdashes
Guy: Uh-uh. This nigga would be outta town. I see lightnin’ goin off and holes in the ground. No way! I will grab my purse, a bottle of water, my sister, and my gun and get the fuck outta Dodge. Peace, aliens!
–Sony Lincoln Square, 68th Street
Guy: There’s really no way to tell someone that’s the seat’s taken without sounding like a complete douchebag.
–Loews Kips Bay, 2nd Avenue
Overheard by: Jonathan Weiss