Woman: Why are you not breathing? You’re the worst patient ever!
–ER, Methodist Hospital
Overheard by: Gena
Hipster to boyfriend: So, I lost three pounds last week. It’s because I went to the gynecologist…
–28th & 8th
Overheard by: Waiting for the next sentence
Nurse pushing old man in wheelchair: I’m not a real nurse.
–St. John’s Hospital
Boyfriend to girlfriend as they consume foot-long hotdogs: You’ve gotta ask yourself one question. Are you prepared to put your hands in shit every day? Because that’s all a job in health care is — putting your hands in shit.
–45th & 8th
Overheard by: kat
EMT rolling patient in on stretcher: This is the most ghetto hospital ever!
–ER, Woodhull Hospital, Brooklyn