Middle-aged lady: I wear makeup on Sundays. I like to look good on the Lord’s day.
–135th & Madison
Overheard by: Kate
Woman: Monday is the new Friday.
–11 Penn Plaza
Guy on cell: … So let’s just go ahead with the Tuesday night cripple hunt.
–Grand St & Bedford Ave
Conductor: This stop is Jay Street-Borough Hall. You can transfer here across the platform to the A and C trains, which you can take uptown to Columbus Circle and on up to 168th Street. Be sure to take your stuff with you when you go, and have a great Wednesday here in the middle of the week.
–F train
Overheard by: … or maybe she was stoned
40-something lady to another: … Then I told him, ‘Nevermind the bruises, I just had liposuction last Thursday.’
–Broadway, just below Houston
Guy on cell: Yeah, well, I won’t be there if you’re going to be doing all that religious stuff… Aren’t you, like, castrating a duck or something? … Oh, okay, well I’ll be there on Friday, then.
–By the tram