Southern tourist: … And, like, we all came all the way to the city, and there’s a bomb threat? I mean, we even made reservations!
–78th & Broadway
Guy to chick: Take Albert Einstein, for instance. He was a small guy, and he built the atomic bomb… And he nuked Japan with it.
–116th & Broadway
Overheard by: Chelsea
Mom to child as he fashions a bomb out of clay: Tyler, this is a non-violent birthday party!
–Central Park
Overheard by: Wondering what a violent one is like
Substitute chemistry teacher: Okay, let’s get a little sex appeal in here… Who knows how to make a hydrogen bomb?
–Stuyvesant High
Morally outraged thugette: He mess with the wrooong girl! I will blow this whole train up!
–G train
Overheard by: sarah
Professor: … And in next week’s class — how to build a nuclear bomb!
–Fordham University
Overheard by: Sromeo