Security guard to another: … So if you really want to take a gamble you buy a baby.
–Lobby, Psych building, NYU
Woman on cell: … And then he said he gonna kick mah baby ‘cross the street!
–Union Square
Overheard by: what??
Guy on skates to chick: … And these people, they eat their babies…
–West Village
Overheard by: Joe is So Friggin Amazing
Chick on cell: So, she trusted this woman to watch over her baby, right? And then she takes the baby to the zoo for a photo shoot and comes back with the wrong baby!
–Grocery store, 8th St & Ave C
Man on phone: So, what? You don’t want me to be in the baby’s life anymore? … Well, you know what? I did your sister! [Hangs up angrily.]
–Starbucks, 66th & 3rd
Lady: So I said to my sistah, ‘I ain’t goin’ to spend my weed money on your baby’s diapers!’
–Fulton Mall