Dude: Maybe I’ll just go on vacation with my left hand.
–67th & Columbus
Overheard by: Meli
Teen tourist on cell: I’m on vacation — I’m allowed to be a slut!
–Times Square
Trinidadian conductor on PA: This is Broadway-Nassau/Fulton Street. Transfer on the upper level for 2-3-4-5, J, M and Z… And please keep in mind that this time tomorrow, I’ll be landin’ in Trinidad in the sun, hahaha!
–A train
Overheard by: Russ Wall
Conductor: Just remember that on Sunday, I’ll be on my way to Acapulco! Ho, ho, ho! Did you ever see Santa in short pants and a t-shirt?
–A train
Overheard by: amc
Girl to friends: Yeah, so, you know how I was obsessed with my ex, right? So, he totally doesn’t know this, but one time when he was on vacation with his family, I broke into his house, looked through all his stuff for like three hours, and then took a huge dump in his parents’ bathroom and peaced.
–Grand Central
Worker to another: Wear something non-flammable when you go on vacation.
–Tiffany & Co.