A Spew of Wednesday One-Liners

Guy to girlfriend: I just threw up Captain Crunch for you! I just tossed some Rice Krispies!

–BED club

Overheard by: Vikas

Suit on cell: No, I didn’t say you vomited on your shoes, I said who vomited on your shoes!

–14th & 6th

JAP: Honestly, if I have to hear about one more candlelight vigil for Darfur I might throw up.

–8th & University

Girl to guy: Oh my god, I could totally throw up on you right now.

–Baruch College, 25th & Lex

Angry mom holding small plastic bag under small boy’s mouth: Vomit! Vomit! Vomit! Vomit!

–W 57trh St

Overheard by: Susan Volchok