Wannabe hipster girl: There’s this band called ‘The Dandy Warhols.’ I, like, always confuse them with Andy Warhol.
–The Knitting Factory
Overheard by: jengray
Tween girl: Duran Duran was not a Duran or a Duran, so just cease and desist.
–Borders near Penn Station
Overheard by: Mobtown Boy
20-ish guy to friend: Man, the way he sang ‘Humpty Dumpty’ was just incredible. When he sings it you have no idea he’s singing about an egg.
–59th & Lex station
Late-20s chick in Blink 182 shirt, on cell: Well, that’s it, then. She obviously doesn’t espouse or believe in the aesthetic of Blink 182, so she’s out. We can’t be friends with her anymore.
–The Mercury Lounge