Don’t Run with Wednesday One-Liners

Mini yuppie: No way. I’d put the knife down and walk away. You never run.

–9th St, Park Slope

Overheard by: Russ Wall

Old man tourist: He’s drawin’ a sword outta her, an’ she’s havin’ a sexual fantasy.

–New Greco-Roman galleries, the Met

Overheard by: Harriet Vane

Yuppie to two girls: Yeah, but it’s more personal if you stab them with a knife.

–Prospect Park West, Park Slope

Overheard by: diane

Kid to father: I’m sick of swords! My head is full of swords!

–Arms and Weapons wing, the Met

Overheard by: e.Beth

Girl struggling with knot: Do you have anything sharp? Like a sword? Wait a minute, I have a sword! [She pulls out a sword.]

–51st & 5th

Dad to rambunctious young sons: No! We are not getting swords out!

–Times Square

Overheard by: Tempo