Prada-clad German professor: It is not chic to be dead, ja?
Woman: Okay, I’ll see you later! Tell your wife I hope she finds the body!
–84th & 1st
Overheard by: Omar
WASP lady: Alan has been so much better since Maggie’s murder.
–Village-bound cab, 9th Ave
Overheard by: Tang
Woman: I don’t do death well.
Dude: What does a ham sandwich have to do with the death of Christ?!
–Bleecker & Bowery
Women on cell: No, they only have male cadavers… Yeah, it is a bummer.
–Union St, Park Slope
Overheard by: Mitchell
NYU girl: It was amazing, and I also saw a dead guy on the street this morning. I saw Oprah and a dead guy all in one day!
–Starbucks, W 4th St