Woman on cell: I don’t think people know why they go to museums. They mostly go so they can tell their friends later, “Oh, yeah, I went to the Metropolitan today.”
–West 53rd between 5th & 6th
Suit: Foie gras? You’ve got to be kidding, it’s not even in season! I don’t have the money for that! I just spent $50 on boxers!
–34th & 5th
Dude: I can’t respect a guy who does capoeira.
–University & 14th
Overheard by: Kim
Reporter: She saw a Pauly Shore movie and that made her want to join the Army? Wow!
–Daily News offices, W. 33rd Street
Woman: Remember, you break it you buy it.
–Fine china section, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Overheard by: jen wik