Wednesday One-Liners Are Made of Meat

Man on cell: Dude, don’t worry about it — your urethra is only two inches long.

–St. Mark’s Place

Overheard by: LC

Skinny, sour-faced guy: Would you mind not clapping so loud? It hurts my ears.

–Big Apple Circus

Overheard by: Susan Volchok

College guy to friend: It’s just your body saying no, but after a while it stops.

–NYU dorm

20-something dude: My parents don’t think I am responsible enough to move to the city ever since I cut my fingers off.

–28th & 3rd

Conductor: I can’t move this train if you hangin’ halfway out of it. Move all the way in when the doors close. [Doors start to close, fail.] All the way in means no legs, arms, or asses be hangin’ out no doors!

–6 train, 77th St stop