Wednesday One-Liners Ask: Why Limit Yourself?

Girl looking at unisex bathroom sign: The bathrooms are bisexual!

–The Brooklyn Lyceum

Overheard by: Jordana

Hipster dude on cell: He broke up with me for a girl!

–St. Marks & 1st Ave

Overheard by: Amy

Woman on cell: Yes, baby, yes, I’m bisexual! I need a man right now. You ready or what?

–6th Ave & 14th St

Overheard by: TK

Guy on cell: Damn, baby, it’s been months since we’ve had sex! Is it another guy? …Is it another girl?!

–Prince St

Overheard by: Suzy

Fourth-grade kid: See, what you people don’t understand is, my fists are bisexual — they hit both boys and girls.

–PS 34

Overheard by: Emily