On Cell

Girl on cell: Oh no! I dropped a bunch of papers that I don’t need!

–Pace University elevator

Overheard by: shawn mac

Conductor: The next stop will be…Hell, I don’t even know what it is!

–B train

Overheard by: Miss Babette

Guy: You know, when I was doing those breathing exercises, I realized: I don’t think I’ve been able to breathe out of my left nostril since 1995.

–General Store, DUMBO

Overheard by: Beth

Woman on cell: I liked it, but I didn’t understand some things. Like, when you learned she was a whore. Where would you learn that? In the conversation with your mother? Why would she tell you something like that?…Oh, yeah. Now I understand. No, I liked it a lot.

–Battery Park

Overheard by: Slave2theMan

Man on phone: Listen, I know I’m like the 500th person to tell you this, but you’ve got a problem…No, I’m not saying you’re an alcoholic! You just drink too much!

–NYSC, 7th Ave & 10th St

Looks Like Someone Gets Around

Man on cell: I would fucking marry the girl, if it wasn’t for every time I went down on her she tasted like hummus.

–3rd Ave. & 11th St.

Guy on cell: I’m at Avenue of the Americas and…Little Brazil Street.

–W. 46th Street & 6th Avenue

A woman in a stupid fleece hat says to her friends, also in stupid fleece hats: This is my backyard when I’m not at the house!

–Central Park, 5th & 59th

Overheard by: Kat Martinez

Man on cell: I didn’t know it was your baby crying! I thought you were watching some animal show. I wouldn’t have made the comment about the hyena if I knew it was your baby!…Well, yeah, I probably would have…hey, whatever happened to you and ugly-ass Omar?

–Penn Station

Overheard by: Krista Gundersen

Chick on cell: You know Karen, she’s my best friend…well, not my best friend, my Taiwanese best friend…

–Lorimer Street, Williamsburg

JHS girl: I’ll be damned if I let a seventh-grader ruin my reputation.

–8th Ave. playground

Sweaty fat man on cell: I would feel stupid if I were in a diabetic coma.

–8th Ave. between 21st & 22nd

Girl on phone: I forget what the BD stands for, but I’m pretty sure the SM stand for sado-masochism. My ad was in the platonic section, anyway.

–60th & Columbus

Overheard by: Alaska

Woman on cell: Oh baby, I was having a sex dream about you and in it you bit my neck so hard I woke up all sweaty….wait, hold on, my boyfriend is on the other line.

–7 train

Overheard by: Sassy_Girl