Wednesday One-Liners Now Get Rollover Minutes

Chick: So, my friend called me yesterday and said, ‘I called you because I had diarrhea and it made me think of you.’

–Starbucks, 110th & Broadway

Overheard by: Fudd

Frustrated man: You call me back and I’ll tell you where the food is!

–23rd & 6th

Girl on cell with ex-boyfriend: Wait a second, I don’t get good service here. Let me go outside so I can yell at you.

–Loehmann’s, 16th & 7th

Yuppie dressed as hipster: Hey. Oh, sorry I didn’t call… So, yeah, I was in a kidnapping today…


Bus driver over intercom: And to your right you will see a sleazy motel. If you notice any cars that look familar please give a quick call home.

–Q46 bus