Wednesday One-Liners Remember Their Roots

Malan Breton, from Project Runway: Is this where I come to have my lashes dyed?

–Beauty salon, Hudson & Perry

Overheard by: thaler

Dude: It was fun, but we felt like posers because we all had mohawks, and they had, like, holes in their faces.

–Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn

Man: … And I said, that’s my body hair, not a sweater!

–Broadway & Reade

Overheard by: Caitlin

Loud Southern chick: He looked fine except for the goatee, the moustache, and the unibrow.

–Queens-bound E train

Overheard by: acep

Drunk hipster chick: Yeah, my geo-politics are fucked up and my bangs are fucked up. I cut them myself.

–Delancey & Essex platform

Overheard by: Scott L

Transgender emo teen: Go and see his MySpace picture. He is beautiful. But you can only see his hair.

–McDonald’s, 3rd St

Overheard by: jess and ari