Blind panhandler, singing: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see… If you want my body and you think I’m sexy, come on, honey, let me know…
–N train
Overheard by: Dan McInerney
Hispanic man singing loudly to tune of ‘Yellow Submarine’: We all live in your mother’s dungarees, your mother’s dungarees, your mother’s dungarees…
–35th St & 7th Ave
Overheard by: CCF
Hobo singing to himself: I want to eat pussy, I want to eat pussy.
–Hudson & Christopher
Overheard by: Someone in a Tree
Street corner freestyler: You can’t send me back like Elian, what the hellian?
–Washington Square
Four-year-old, singing: We in the bed like, ‘Oooh, oooh, oooh, like oooh, oooh, oooh!’
–1 train, 116th St stop
Conductor, rapping: If you hold the doors while the train’s in the station, we will be delayed getting to our destination, and you will find yourself in a situation.
–A train
Overheard by: Ladle