Fratboy to friends: Other than the bleeding, I’d much prefer pussy.
–Peculiar Pub, LaGuardia & Bleecker
Overheard by: Spanky Van Dyke
Wife on cell: Hon, I think I might be pregnant. I’m getting nervous. I mean, my period’s not late, but I feel nauseous.
–Grand Central
Overheard by: Snozberry
Guy with hot chick: Yeah, it feels fine! Is your tampon comfortable?
–Houston & 1st Ave
Overheard by: Lazy Mr. Wiggles
Loud lady: You know what my son calls my period?
–Q18 bus
Overheard by: Didn’t hang around to hear the rest…
Female employee: My boss hates hearing about menstruation. Any time I want to get him off my back I just tell him I’m having my period. He puts his hands up over his ears like he’s hearing nails on a blackboard. If he doesn’t leave me alone right away, I tell him my napkin is soaked and I have to change it.
–Peter Luger’s, Williamsburg
Overheard by: Big Larry
Dude: What I don’t get is, how did he get the tampon in his nose in the first place?
–Lower East Side