Man: If you wanna have lunch, you’ve got to have lunch here, whether it’s Chinese or Subway.
–Canal St
Overheard by: Aahlixx
Little boy: Does all Chinese food come from Chinatown?
Woman: It’s like listening to an Arab speaking Spanish talking about the Chinese.
–W Train
Overheard by: Bluto
Tourist: The Chinese are notorious for blurring the line between pet and soup.
Queen picking up delivery: Damn, I hate dealing with these Chinese people, they never be understanding English good!
–Fordham dorms, Lincoln Center
Overheard by: I don’t understand you either
Ghetto guy: Sushi is real Chinese food.
–23rd St & 8th Ave
Overheard by: John Wu
Hipster Chinese girl on cell: Americans have too much freedom. Yes, too much freedom.
–52nd & Madison