Conductor: Look, people, stop leaning against the doors. It only makes you late to work. I ain’t gonna to be late for work — I’m at work.
–2 train
Dude to buddies: Shit, yeah, first we get the job, then we get the cayenne, then we get the girls!
–Prince St
Overheard by: 3 musketeers
Lady suit: We can’t bring in an asshole. We tried that last year and it didn’t work.
–45th & Lex
Barista: Yo, I like my schedule — work, sleep, sleep at work, go home and smoke some blunts, some weed, sleep… You can’t do that shit on a temp schedule.
Conductor: This is 47th Street, Rockefeller Center. Home of Top of the Rock, the Rainbow Room… and your job.
–Rockefeller Center