Wednesday One-Liners — So Meaty!

MTA lady to another: I thought he had an earring in his tongue, but it was a meatball! It was like a little extra piece of meat on his tongue!

–3 train station

Chick: Gosh, they keep the kosher kitchen security so tight. What would they do if I just ran in there and touched everything with pork?

–Hewitt dining hall, Barnard College

Overheard by: laughed inside

Bimbette: Yeah, she’s a vegetarian now. No turkey, no meat — nothing. But I don’t know what she’s gonna do at Thanksgiving, because my aunt makes the best eggplant. Wait — is eggplant meat?

–A train

Overheard by: nas

Dude: This girl I know is vegan. She was ordering soup and asked if it had meat in it. It did, and she was pissed… And then I found five dollars!

–23rd & Madison

50-ish woman on cell: The sausages, the arguing… He won’t be back.

–Court St & Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn

Overheard by: lisa Santandrea

Really tall guy folding himself into a Toyota Corolla: Don’t let me forget — I have a pocket full of meat!

–7th St, between Ave A & B

Overheard by: Siobhan