Mother, to little girl: Hold on to the pole, honey, but keep your tongue away from it. It’s filthy!
–Downtown 2/3 train
Overheard by: Chad
Father, to five-year-old son: No, Jake, don’t eat the watch…Time flies, but it doesn’t taste good.
–Metro-North train
Overheard by: derkach
Mother, to little girl in line for security X-ray machine: Take your muffin outta the box. If it goes through the machine, it’ll give you radiation.
–LaGuardia Airport
Overheard by: Reluctant Traveler
Father, to crying son: Yeah yeah, life’s a disappointment.
–78th & Amsterdam
Overheard by: someone who agrees
Tourist mom, to kids: Walk or die! Walk or die! Walk or die!
–Times Square
Overheard by: Scott
Old white lady, to little Hispanic girl: You’re always tan…Everyone wants to be tan.
–Queens bound E train
Overheard by: Julz