Male driver, honking and screaming at pedestrians: They’re fucking muffins! You’re waiting in line for fucking 30 minutes for cupcakes! You are all children! Children!
–Line at Magnolia Bakery
Chick: When I say I’m not hungry what I mean is I just want to eat the icing off something.
–Washington Square
Little boy to another: Are you afraid of lollipops?
–8th St & University Pl
Overheard by: W. Liang
Teacher: The Frenchies were happy — we’ve saved their crepes! Ah, oui, oui! Our crepes! Hahaha!
–Brooklyn Tech
Overheard by: Liz
Middle-aged man: It’s a three pound ball of opium dipped in chocolate.
–Farmer’s Market, Union Square
NYU girl: I mean, I eat a bowl of chocolate ice cream every night before I go to bed. It’s something you just get used to.
–Barnes & Noble, Union Square
Overheard by: Amelia
Angry man on cell: Tell me where he is or no dessert!
–Spring & Mulberry St
Overheard by: 2 of the mulberry 3