Drunk frat guy: I don’t know about you fellas, but I’m going to Narnia. Shazam! [Dives head first into a wardrobe.]
–NYU dorm
Frat boy: Dude, do you think if I start drinking now I’ll still be drunk in Michigan?
Overheard by: JJ
Drunk frat dude on cell: So, does autumn come after winter or before it?
–Outside Wogie’s, West Village
Overheard by: misspenny
Black frat dude to white frat dude: I mean, if the KKK could’ve thought of BET, they woulda done it 50 years ago.
–Columbia University
Drunk Long Island frat boy: At least no one got raped, so that’s pretty good.
–Penn Station
Overheard by: echo