Jungian: Let’s be honest: everyone knows he has the personality of an air conditioner.
–39th & Madison
Overheard by: Emily
Queer, looking at hordes of tourists: It’s times like this I wish I carried a taser.
–33rd St
Overheard by: jackattack
Ghetto girl: He smell like a sanitation truck. You know how when a sanitation truck drives by and it just smells nasty? Yeah, he like 8 trucks in a row!
–R train, 23rd St
Overheard by: Sue
Sarcastic hipster: Wow, that girl over there is a great artist. She did a fantastic job of drawing her eyebrows on her face.
–Brooklyn bound L train
College kid: Tourists are kinda like retards; I want to help, but I just never seem to.
–44th & 5th
Overheard by: David
Guy on headset: I don’t want no broke ass bitches. She couldn’t even rub two crackers together.
–Bleecker & Carmine
Ghetto waitress: Ugh. Table 9 has had so much work done on her face. Too bad she still look busted.
–Sarabeth’s East, 92nd & Madison
Overheard by: Dan