Hobo: Oh shit, baboons. They might bite me. I gotta be careful!
–54th & 7th
Crazy lady: Of course, as you can see, there are Fiddlywumps in there, and that’s the number one sign that you should leave the area immediately.
–14th & 7th
Crazy man: You know how da fish swibbles as it follows da current on da waves? It’s a baddacudda outta control. Dat’s what happens in ya mind. Ya know, da mind waves?
–42nd & 6th
Wheeltard: I’m a fucking genius! I’m a fucking genius! Hitler was amazing, everyone hail Hitler!
–7th Avenue & Grove
Hobo: Man, I’m going to fuckin’ Hong Kong. I’m sick of dodging bullets every day.
–110th & Morningside Drive
Overheard by: Laird
Taxi driver: There’s too many fucking buses in this city! And they all empty! And now you going to go kill all the Arabs for the gas for the empty fucking buses!
–5th Avenue cab
Overheard by: Megan E.
Crazy guy: Geraldo Rivera and his army. Is his wife in there? Bring her too.
–Washington Square Park
Overheard by: KJD
Crackhead: I can’t get married because first they took the land from the Indians and then they tried to take money from the poor and eliminate races!
–40th & Park
Overheard by: Vanessa