Hobo to teen girl with red hands: Wow, your hands are so red. You must have a condition. Yeah, that’s what it must be, a condition. You know, I have a condition, too. I’m a werewolf.
–4 train
Girl: Jewish lesbians? Are you kidding me? They don’t exist. That’s like vampire cowboys.
–16th St & Park Ave South
Overheard by: C-Star
30-ish alternaguy: No, man, he was like a mer-wolf… You know, like a mermaid and a werewolf in one.
–Spring & Lafayette
Hot blonde: But we really are just male elves with long hair and boobs!
–140th & Broadway
Overheard by: Three-Headed Monster
Dude on cell: Yeah and then she started whinnying in excitement right on top of me, like a fucking unicorn or some shit… Yeah, I guess it was pretty hot.
–Fordham University
Overheard by: Shane
Small, excited Mexican child: Is it zombies? I know — it’s the Grim Reaper!
–D train, 36th St atation
Overheard by: Jon A.