Petite woman: Just because you are taller doesn’t mean you are stronger. I have more power in my finger than that broad! One flick from me and she’d be on her ass!
–43rd & 6th
Guy on cell: I’ve got the dogs. I’ve got your mother’s latte. I’ve got your cappuccino, and I’m willing to go back for a movie but you’ve got to drive me…Hello? Hello?
–Park Slope
Overheard by: amb
Chick: My boss never actually reads her e-mail. I forwarded her a message with someone’s address, but she only read the first line and responded “Where’s the address”? I mean, scroll down bitch! Jeeeeez.
–Maiden Lane
Overheard by: J
Yoga instructor: I am totally never going back to Dop Dop again. They kept telling people I’m really a brunette.
–Equinox, 50th Street
Girl: And you know what? After having a few accidents, I just decided to wear pads, to let it flow naturally.
–College of Staten Island
Overheard by: Dr. Ballon
Woman on cell: So she says to me, “Oh, you’re so interesting”, and I’m like, “Fuck you, you fucking cunt.”
–57th & 5th
Overheard by: Heather