Girl on cell: Well, how would Mom know what to do? Back in the old days a woman who slept with your husband never baked you a pie!
–5th Ave
Overheard by: at a loss
Guy: Man, I’ve been married two days and I want to cheat!
–W 4th St station
Overheard by: noseinabook
Chick on cell: Oh my god, now they’re fighting… Yes! She’s screaming at him in the middle of street! No, she has no idea we got back together… I don’t know, but it’s really creepy — it’s like she knew we’d be here this morning — she walked in like two minutes after we did… Oh my god, she’s coming in! Quick, get down here and make out with me so she thinks I’m a lesbian!
–Starbucks, Union Square
Overheard by: That works…
Guy at table: … And I’ve got my finger in another guy’s wife’s pussy, basically…
–Outside Starbucks, Cooper Union
Overheard by: Paul
Woman on cell: I apologize in advance, but you know I love you. And if you weren’t married, I’d be in love with you.
–35th & Lenox, Brooklyn
Overheard by: Rei
Middle-aged lady on cell: Okay, honey, bye-bye. I still love you even though you have a wife and kid.
–JetBlue flight, JFK runway