Girl watching Oscars: Oh my god, I love Scorsese! He’s so cute. I just want to have him in my pocket.
–10th & 5th
Seven-year-old girl on cell: Oh my gosh, Carrie! In Macy’s my mom just bought me the cutest Coach bag and matching scarf!
–34th St
Overheard by: georgia
Teen girl: Dude, whatever… Some bums are really cute!
–10th & 7th, Brooklyn
Overheard by: oliver
Latino goth muscle-man to girl: I know, but, like, spiritually? Emotionally? I have the cutest, pinkest little vagina [makes triangle formation with fingers over crotch]… And it’s tight.
–F train
Overheard by: meg
Dean of Students’ Services to third year student: You’d make a cute pregnant woman.
–Columbia Law School
Girl: I think having a cunt is cute!
–15th & 6th
Overheard by: Oh my