If You're One-Eighth Wednesday, White People Call You “One-Liner”

White guy to black girlfriend: God, I'm so racist.

–Canal St & Elizabeth St

Big black lady: So, have they fired that African guy yet? (laughs hysterically) Nah, you right. Mexicans won't do that shit no more!

–Staten Island Ferry

Overheard by: NewHaircut

White woman to black woman: So, tell me about your people. Do you know where they come from?

–Whitehall St & South St

Overheard by: Jon A.

White girl walking in Harlem: Dang, even the squirrels are black here!

–125th & Amsterdam

Tween: Mom, what's Negro Day?

–Neil Simon Theatre

Little blond girl to black mother: You mean we're black?

–Hudson & Barrow

Overheard by: Emily