Wednesday One-Liners Are Here, They’re Queer, They’re Not Going Anywhere

Woman: And you are not a lesbian either! You are only gay on weekends.

–Union Square

Overheard by: Adam Bozarth

Teen girl: I know Jimmy’s not gay because he stole my girlfriend.

–R train

Preacher: Mark my words–by sunrise you will be smothered in lesbians.

–53rd & 5th

Overheard by: Kaleena

Thoughtful guy: I always thought that if I were gay I’d be the manlier one. But now that I think about it I’d want to be the girly one for all the free stuff.

–26th & 1st

Overheard by: Charles

Guy on cell: Wait…Christ! It’s gayer than three snaps in Z formation in here.

–The Hangar, Christopher St

Overheard by: TK

Midwestern guy: That is complete bullshit! How do you make a dog gay?

–Century 21

Teen girl: It’s funny talking to him now. I mean, in the eighth grade we knew he was gay, but not take-it-up-the-butt gay.

–Uptown 1 train