
Boy: Mom, can we buy these cookies?
Mom: No honey, we cannot.
Boy: Why? Because they have carbohyboraties in them? Mom, you’re scared of carbohyboraties, aren’t you?

–Gristede’s, UWS

Girl: Look! Cantaloupes! Mom! Look at the cantaloupes!
Mom: No dear, cantaloupes are a fruit. These are antelopes.

–Museum of Natural History

Overheard by: Sarah Glazer

Girl #1: He was a little too Spock and not enough Kirk.
Girl #2: What?

–F train

A son is moving a table into the back of the truck.

Mom: Be careful not to bend the legs when you push it in.
Son: That’s what she said.
Mom: What?

–30th and Lex

Overheard by: Tom

Mom: You know something? When I was a little girl, my family was so poor that we couldn’t even afford Christmas presents! We got fruit in our stocking and that was it, and we were lucky if we could get one birthday present–
Son, 6: But we have money!

–10th Street & 6th Avenue

Woman on cell: …hon, she had a gut!
Little boy: Mom, chubby is the new black.

–75th & Broadway

Screaming child: I want a smoothie! I want a smoothie! I want a smoothie!
Mom: I’m not buyin’ you no smoothie! I’m buyin’ ice cream and that’s all!

–Ben & Jerry’s, 104th St & Broadway

Overheard by: Inge

Child, reading: Be…kind…to…furry…
Mom: A-ni-mals.
Child: Why?
Mom: You have to be kind to all animals, so people don't think you're crazy and a psychopath.

–Q Train

Son: I thought you were looking for Danielle Steele?
Mom: I am.
Boy: But isn’t that fiction? Why are we in literature?
Mom: Fiction is literature.
Boy: Oh. I thought literature was good writing.

–Barnes & Noble, 5th Avenue

Two-year-old in stroller: I love Barack Obama!
Exasperated mother: We know. We know you love Barack Obama.

–Great Lawn, Central Park

Overheard by: Helena the Great

Girl on cell: Oh my god, I’m shopping with my mom, and she’s shopping for dildos!

–8th & University

Crazy woman to mother of laughing baby: He likes me! At least you know he ain't gonna be gay!

–14th St & Ave B