Do You Take This Wednesday to Be Your Lawfully Wedded One-Liner?

Grad student: Translation: Will you marry me? Or: I don’t want germs.

–Columbia University

Overheard by: Ladle

Dude: … My wedding [mumble] gonna take away my clothes, so I’m going to need a tear-away tuxedo.

–53rd & Broadway

Overheard by: Jo

Chick to another: Yeah, he’s the one who wouldn’t marry her because she was too pale.


Blonde: … And I’m really not sure, because he said he shouldn’t unless we are married, but that it’s okay, we could just do it and then he could just confess his sins or something like that…

–Broadway & Prince

Overheard by: Dan

Lesbian to group: So, what is the reason behind getting married, besides pretending to be heterosexual? Exactly — presents!

–Party, Brooklyn

Overheard by: Jude