Mellow Yellow Wednesday One-Liners

Latina: I don't care what a guy says, I'm not gonna let him piss on me.

–Vesey Street & Broadway

Overheard by: Sam

Giggling four-year-old boy: Yeah, and there was a sign and it said, "Caution: someone peed here!"

–Waverly & W 11th

Bimbo: And he was like, "Sarah, you pissed the bed" and I was like, "Whaaaaat?" and he was like, "Sarah, get up, you pissed the fucking bed!"

–Theater District

Overheard by: Paul

Girl on cell: Alright, fine, but if you pee on me again, we're done!

–C Train

Overheard by: Laura

Guy, in disbelief: You mean you've never been pissed on before?!

–14th & Broadway

Overheard by: Josh

Girl: Would it be considered indecent exposure if I peed in the sink?

–Lyceum Theatre

Girl to friend: Her?! She totally splashes her urine.

–34th & 8th

Overheard by: Ellen